How to Stop Submissive or Excitement Peeing

How to Stop Submissive or Excitement Peeing

Why Do Dogs Urinate When Submissive?

Dogs who urinate when they’re feeling submissive, as well as when they’re feeling excited, might not be doing so intentionally. They’re simply reacting to a new situation. If your dog submissively urinates because he’s unsure of how to act around you or someone else, and this happens at home, it may be nothing more than an accident.

Can’t Stop the Urges?

If you have a dog who submissively urinates often, the first step is to find out if he’s feeling anxious or timid around someone else. If so, you can teach him to be less afraid of the person and slowly gain his trust. If he isn’t submissive with others, you’ll need to find out why.

You’ll need to do this regardless of whether your dog is submissive with you. For example, he might be overly excited because of a new environment or other stimuli that’s not familiar to him. Or he might be expressing excitement over something that’s happening outside the home, such as the arrival of social guests or his favourite activity, like playing fetch or going for a walk.

What Can I Do?

You can prevent this from happening by establishing yourself as the alpha or dominant animal in your home, as doing so will help you take control of the situation and lessen the chances that your dog will pee out of submission or excitement.

How to Stop Your Dog from Excitement Peeing in the House

Something you can do to stop your dog from peeing out of excitement is to prevent him from experiencing too much excitement at once. For instance, don’t let him play a lot with other dogs, have people over or interact with any other animals.

Dogs will also try to relieve themselves when they’re feeling excited because they’re scared, they won’t be able to stop themselves from going when they get excited enough. You can help dogs who are stressed out because they’re being forced to pee “excited” by providing them with enough time to relax after their stressful activity. For example, let your dog play fetch in the yard for at least 20 minutes.

How to Stop Submissive Urination

One of the best ways to prevent your dog from submissively urinating is to give him enough room away from everyone else. This way, he can have time to adjust and have a chance to relieve himself on his own terms. You’ll also want to choose an appropriate place outside for your dog to relieve himself, again so that he has room, time, and privacy.

How to Stop Your Dog from Excitement Peeing in the House

To help prevent your dog from excitement peeing in the house, feel free to have as much fun as you can with him. In fact, consider increasing his playtime and exercise. Do this with your dog away from everyone else to prevent him from being submissive.

Avoid conditioning him to urinate whenever he’s excited or nervous. For instance, if a situation makes dogs excited, don’t let them go when the excitement subsides. This is sometimes called “reinforcing positive behaviour. Always keep your dog’s self-esteem high. One way to do this is to reward good behaviour whenever you can.

Health Issues That Can Cause Urination

A urinalysis can help find out if your dog’s urinating because of a medical condition. For example, there are many causes of stress peeing, including infections and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be an issue as well.

If your dog can’t control himself around others, it might be because he has an anxiety disorder. Some signs that something’s wrong include sudden urination, hiding or constantly sniffing the ground. In some cases, your dog might also be displaying aggressive behaviour. If he’s in distress, it’s best to take him to the vet for an examination.

Other Ways to Determine the Cause of Urination

If you suspect that your dog is urinating because he’s feeling submissive, you can try rewarding him for good behaviour so that he doesn’t feel the need to relieve himself when others are around. Also keep in mind that going outside is usually a good time for dogs to go because they feel more relaxed.

Professional Behaviour Training

If you can’t get your dog to stop peeing when he’s feeling submissive, or you’ve already followed all of the advice above and are still having trouble, it may be time to consult a professional for help. A certified dog behaviourist can do a more extensive evaluation of your dog and provide some guidance as to what you can do.

It also helps if your dog has undergone at least six months of obedience training so that he knows when and where it’s appropriate to relieve himself.

Since dogs who are feeling submissive might forget their potty training, it’s a good idea to go back through basic obedience training. This can help reinforce your relationship with your dog and his place in the family hierarchy.

And keep in mind that you don’t have to give up on your new dog if he displays submissive urinating or unwanted behaviour. With some work, you’ll be able to help him learn appropriate behaviour and develop a healthy relationship with everyone in the home.


Submissive urination can be confusing, especially if you’re watching it happen for the first time. However, if you’re able to observe your dog closely and learn the signs, it should become much easier to determine the cause of urinating. For instance, if your dog is showing signs of anxiet, there’s a good chance that he’s feeling submissive.

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