Dog Food for Upset Stomach

Dog Food for Upset Stomach

One of the most horrible feeling for humans is sitting at the toilet for hours while your upset tummy disagrees with everything you ate.

infographic dog upset stomach

While, this happens for your dog too, except they don’t get to hide away in the bathroom.

It’s a very common issue for dogs to have upset stomach and diarrhoea. It can raise from eating food the wrong food, or simply due to having a sensitive stomach. It’s more often that unexperienced pet owners run into this situation. It’s very normal to not know what your dog cannot eat. However, no one enjoys being sick, your pet sure doesn’t. All dogs will naturally experience nausea or diarrhoea at one point in their life. Some dog with sensitive stomachs will simply have their digestive system just respond negatively towards by becoming sensitive and purging itself through vomiting or diarrhoea.

This occurs more often depending on your dog’s diet, age, breed and temperament while the frequency and intensity also differs between dogs.

Unlike dogs, we have our mum’s signature pot stew to help us during these sick days. What can you do to do your part and make sure your dog feels as comfortable as possible? Fayie prepared a list of dog food for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

But before that, let’s understand why your dog has an upset stomach. In most cases, upset stomach or diarrhoea are usually due to something they ate that they shouldn’t have. When the situation becomes a trend, that’s a big indication that something bigger is at hand. Regardless if it’s a one off or multiple, at times, it is still best to contact your vet to rule out any possibilities of chronic illness.

Here are some Dog Foods for Upset Stomach


Did you know, pumpkins are packed with antioxidants, fiber, minerals and it helps with weight loss. Pumpkin Is a great food source for dogs, and even more when they are experiencing an upset stomach. Not only that, it is easily digestible which makes them the perfect dog food for upset stomach.

As for the recipe, Recommended by Dr. Rachel Barrack, a Veterinarian in New York City.

  1. Canned Pumpkin (Unsalted)
    1. 1-4 Tablespoons (May vary depending on size of dog)
  2. Cooked Plain White Rice and Boiled Mashed Pumpkin
    1. Boil Pumpkin until soft
    2. Mash the pumpkin into a puree and mix with a bit of rice
  3. Serve a Room Temperature
    1. Do not add any spices or seasoning such as salt or sugar

White Rice

White rice is easily digestible, while it is not super nutritious, it contains soluble fiber which absorbs water passing through the GI Tract. Rice are best served plain at room temperate without any additional spices added such as salt or sugar. We don’t want it too hot or too cold. It’s not a bad idea to add a bit of meat such as plain boiled chicken or unseasoned beef as sides.

Boiled Chicken Meat

Just like recommended for rice, instead of rice as the main base ingredient, you can have just plain boiled skinless chicken meat without any seasonings or spices added. It is best to have them shredded into smaller pieces with strictly no bones. However, this food is not recommended if your dog has vomited recently.

Boiled and Mashed Carrots

Carrots are good for humans, we all know that, but how about Dogs.

Well, they are an excellent source of Vitamin A, K and C. Not just that, it contains potassium and fiber. This itself, makes it one of the healthiest vegies’ dogs can have.

That means, you wash the carrots thoroughly and cook them by 1 of these 3 ways.

  • Cut off the nasty end bits and boiling them
  • Cut them into smaller pieces and cook them together with rice
  • Boil and mash the carrots into a puree

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Similar to Carrots, sweet potatoes are among the richest food sources of Vitamin A, they also contain vitamins C, B5, B6 and other minerals along with potassium and fibre.

While being a high fibre source, they are one of the best Dog Food For Upset Stomachs.

One of the most common dishes would be to boil them until done then mash with a potato masher.


They are many fruits that dogs can eat, but two fruits stand out among them all. Both these fruits are help alleviate the pain and unrest upset stomach may cause.


Watermelons are low in fat, calories and cholesterol but what makes them ideal is that they are rich in Vitamins A, B6, C, potassium and fiber. Watermelons also contains lycopene; this is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.

However, just like great benefits, there are also risks.

When serving watermelons, you must also remember, to remove all seeds. Seeds are dangerous for dogs; they may cause intestinal blockage.

Only serve the watermelon flesh, remove all extra bits such as seeds and rind, they are not digestible and could potentially worsen the condition of your dog.

Always cut into smaller pieces for easier digestion, dogs are known not to chew their food and enjoys swallowing it whole.

Not all Dogs will eat watermelon despite the great benefit, my own dog avoids it like a plague sadly.


Banas should only be served peeled, even though eating one whole isn’t dangerous, it is just not preferred. Although their benefits in vitamins and minerals are not as high as other sources, they are a good snack to have on the side as they still do provide potassium. However, bananas should always be taken in moderation, as it is one of the few fruits that contain natural sugar. Too much of kind of sugar is bad for your dog, as it can lead to weight gain just like for us too.


Now we know what to feed our dogs during these tough times, but how do you know when they are experiencing an upset stomach?

These are a few signs that can help you identify when your dog has an upset stomach.

  • When your dog is constantly Licks lips and/or swallows repeatedly out of their normal behavioral
  • If your dog has access outside, they are eating grass.
    • Grass does helps soothe an upset stomach temporary but will cause more issues in the long run
  • When you notice your dog has Diarrhoea
  • When you notice your dog is vomiting
  • When your dog refuses to eat, or reacts to their favorite treats
  • They are not energetic during or for their daily walks
  • They are shown to hide themselves or lack of interest in everything

When you see your dog experience the following

  • Fever and/or shivering.
  • Mucus or blood in stool.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Appears to be in pain.
  • Lethargy or listlessness.

It would be recommended to contact your local Vet instead as they may be a more serious underlaying issue.

Fayie Enterprise
