

dog potty trained outside

How to Toilet Train a Puppy

Master the art of puppy potty training with our simple, effective steps. Achieve a house-trained pup in no time and enjoy a mess-free home!


How Do I Know If My Dog Is Happy?

Understanding your dog’s emotions can be a challenging task. How do I know if my dog is truly happy? Here are some Signs to look out for.

Dog Glaucoma

Top 5 Eye Problems for Dogs

Are you looking for signs your dog is stressed? It can be as common as constant growling, whining & barking or even just biting…

Dog Car Safety Tips - Dog in Car Feature

Dog Car Safety Tips

Are you looking for signs your dog is stressed? It can be as common as constant growling, whining & barking or even just biting…

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tail?

Remember a dog’s tail serves as a signalling tool for dog body language, they have a built-in instinct to wag their tails when they are feeling happy or…

Why Do Dog Pant?

Dogs pant because of their physiological need to be cool. All animals, have the same four purposes for panting; to release heat from the lungs and body…

Causes of Fear in Dogs

Fear in dogs is a natural response to a perceived or real threat. Dogs tend to avoid things that scare them and often will protect themselves from danger.

Fayie Enterprise
