Why Is My Dog Eating Cat Litter

Why Is My Dog Eating Cat Litter

Pets can be finicky creatures and one common problem is figuring out why your dog is eating cat litter. Whether or not this is a sign of unhappiness or a medical condition, there are ways you can figure out what’s going on with your pup.

In our article about why your dog might eat cat litter, we cover some of the most common reasons dogs might try to sneak in the occasional bit of kitty droppings. And don’t worry — unlike their feline counterparts, dogs don’t transmit any diseases by licking themselves and passing it on to others! It’s just another strange part of being a pet owner that we need to learn how deal with as best as possible.

Is my Pet Stressed?

Dogs can easily get stressed out and sometimes that stress can lead to eating things they shouldn’t, including the cat’s litter or feces. If you are going through a tough time with your pet or if there is some other reason that it seems like they are acting out of sorts in unusual ways, then it is possible that they will start to do things like eat cat litter. It could be a way of them distracting themselves from their internal worries and it can also be a sign of resentment toward your family or yourself. Whatever the case may be, a dog who eats cat litter when they should not have some issues with their mental health.

If you are noticing that your dog is eating cat litter and you think that it might be the result of stress, then try to provide them with extra attention and affection. If they truly have a medical condition that is causing stress, then you will want to get them seen by a vet so they can be treated

Medical Reasons

Is there any Medical Reasons Causing my dog to eat cat litter?

If your dog has behaviour issues or seems generally sick, it could be the case that they are eating cat litter as an excuse to go outside. If your household is keeping strange hours or if your dog normally isn’t allowed out when things are quiet, then they might go looking for an excuse to get out of the house more often. If this is the case, then he or she might start behaving restless such as howling, constant barking, destruction and even eat cat litter as a way of getting out of the house to play.

Some dogs with digestive issues can develop a habit of eating their poop and sometimes they will get into the litter box if they are stressed out. If this is happening for no reason you can take them to be checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

Can Eating Litter Be Harmful to My Dog?

While trying to eat cat litter as a way to deal with stress or as a result of illness is not out of the ordinary, it’s still not recommended. It’s not harmful for any pets to eat poop, but some types of poop can cause serious medical problems in dogs and cats.

If you have a dog who is eating cat litter because they are stressed out, don’t just leave it be. They need treatment from a vet immediately and it’s important that you get them checked out by the right people.

Cat litter can lead to problems with your dog’s digestive system. Many people think that it’s not a big deal, but cat litter is toxic for dogs. It’s still an unknown as to why they are attracted to it, but cat poop can lead to things like diabetes and other serious problems.

How to Prevent Dogs From Eating Litter

If you want to keep your dog from eating cat litter, then it’s important that you teach them early on that this is not something they should be doing. If your dog is figuring out how to scarf down kitty litter in the house, then it may be time to take necessary precautions.

Make sure there are no problems with their health: Take a look at what kind of health your dog is in. Check with the vet and make sure there aren’t any problems with their digestive tract or other areas of their body. Look for signs like vomiting, bad breath, or unusual weight loss.

Take a look at what kind of health your dog is in. Check with the vet and make sure there aren’t any problems with their digestive tract or other areas of their body. Look for signs like vomiting, bad breath, or unusual weight loss. Make the outside more interesting: If your dog is looking for something to do to get away from the house, then you will want to make sure that they have plenty of attention and fun things to do outside. Dogs love working on a leash and having a nice long walk can be all they need to keep them busy while you are gone.


As you can see, the reason that your dog eats cat litter will vary based on their situation. Make sure that you figure out what is causing them to eat kitty litter and then you can take steps to prevent it from happening. If they need medical attention, then get them checked out as soon as possible.

Dogs are great pets and your dog will love you no matter what happens. If they are eating cat litter, make sure you don’t yell at them or show any signs of frustration. They don’t have any idea why they are doing it and there is no need to scare or punish them for it. You need to own up to it and try to find a way to make sure that they don’t do it again.

If you ever think your dog is eating cat litter because they are stressed out, then immediately contact a vet. It’s important that you get them checked out as soon as possible because they could be in serious danger. You do not want your dog to die from ingesting kitty litter, but if they are afflicted with unsanitary conditions it can lead to other serious health issues.

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